Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Op Ed Ideas

We all know steroids interest me. One idea for my Op Ed is why steroids shouldn't be treated as illicit drugs. This would not be so much about the uses and dangers of the drugs but why there shouldn't be a law that criminalizes everyone who uses them that doesn't compete in sports and uses them for purely cosmetic reasons.

Pakistan’s War of Choice

A second Op Ed article I read that was interesting was on Pakistan involvement and recent accomplishments in Afghanistan. It talks about military strategies and Pakistan' recent cooperation with US special forces against terrorism.

Against ‘Pro-Israel’

My third Op Ed article was very controversial. I thought it was interesting and had great supporting evidence for the authors claims.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Research Paper Sources

Bigger Stronger Faster - Movie

Bigger Stronger Faster is a documentary about steroids use that is narrarted by one of the Bell brothers. He does a great job being objective and exploring the two sides of the subject. I think it is the documentary to watch if your interested in the subject of anabolic androgenic steroids. although bias holds great information and has taught me a great deal about AAS. It is a site that explains every compound as well has a forum for users and people thinking of using for the first time to go to and learn what they need to, to be able to use AAS safetly.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Research Topic

I would like to write my paper on anabolic steroids talking and discussing the use, abuse, effects, side effects, what they are, all the way to regulation and cover ups of olympic/profressional athlets. I am passionate about the subject and believe I could write a informative paper discussing the use in todays society.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Protein: Eat Big to Get Big

Protein is one of the essential building blocks to gaining muscle mass and size. Without sufficient protein forget about getting bigger and stronger. Many people do not understand how vital protein is in ones diet. For gaining purposes in males, you would have to consume 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight. For myself, I currently weigh 226 lbs which means if I wanted to continue to gain muscle mass and size I would have to be consuming 339 grams of protein. A 5 ounce chicken breast has about 35g of protein. That's a lot of eating to meet that 339 goal. Over the years of training for bodybuilding I've started to look at eating as a mere chore. When you stick to a strict diet for over a year and eat 5-6 times a day every meal is just another meal checked off for the day.

There are many different types of protein. Whey, (which most have heard of due to the supplement business with their famous whey protein advertisements) casein, egg white, and soy are among the most notorious nutritional proteins. Whey is a fast acting protein which is quickly absorbed into the blood stream. It is the ideal protein to have right after a workout which is the most important time for protein consumption. Casein protein is a slow acting protein which delivers the nutrient over a long period of time keeping your body out of a catabolic state (the state at which your body feeds off it's own muscle fibers for energy). Casein is most ideal before bedtime so while you sleep you are getting a constant drip of protein while you sleep. Soy is an easily digested protein and 35% of the protein is made up of the 3 branch chain amino acids that compliment building muscle. Soy milk is a great source of this protein and comes in many great tasting flavors. Egg white protein is an extremely lean and high concentrate form of protein. Powder form of the protein is not often the best tasting or inexpensive but none the less a great addition to your arsenal of muscle building tools. Instead of buying the powder simply cracking an egg and separating the yolk, then scrambling the egg whites is a much more enjoyable and easy way to cook a good breakfast.
